As a Roman Catholic school, PSHE permeates throughout our daily practice. The “Come and See” religious education scheme allows for significant scope to address most aspects of PSHE, including sex and relationships education, which is taught using the “A Journey in Love” resource. In addition, links are made with other areas of the curriculum, such as science and physical education, in order to offer children a broad and balanced approach to PSHE education.
To ensure children are receiving a well—rounded PSHE education, we follow the “You, Me and PSHE” scheme of work in key stages 1 and 2, which has been quality assured by the PSHE Association. In addition, we use themed weeks such as Anti-Bullying Week, Safer Internet day and Holocaust Memorial Day to offer children immersive experiences. Our approach, ensures that PSHE education is valued as an important aspect of school life and provides our children with a structured approach to their learning. Below you can see an overview of what we cover within our specific PSHE work.