Year 3 2024 - 2025
Miss Swift
Y4 Teacher
Welcome to Year 3!
St Austin’s Primary School Key Stage 2
School Time Table
Year Group – Year 3
This term, we will be reading Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura.Step back 15,000 years as a modern boy enters a Stone Age village and learns a few prehistoric tricks of the trade. One day a boy falls down a hole, and an amazing thing happens — when he wakes, he’s in a camp full of people wearing animal skins! This will inspire us to write a historical narrative.
Following this, we will be reading Winter's Child by Angela McAllister. When Tom wishes winter would never end, he meets another boy who shares his love of snow and ice. Playing together every day, Tom doesn’t care that spring hasn’t come—until he realizes the terrible effect the unending winter is having on his sick grandmother. When he realizes his friend is Winter’s child, he knows they must say good-bye if the seasons are ever to change. This will inspire us to write a fantasy fictional piece.
In maths, we will be working with numbers up to 1 000. We will also continue to progress with our ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide large numbers. This will include our ability to multiply and divide by 10, 100. Building on our growing knowledge of the times table facts, we will be practising our quick recall of facts from x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x8, x10, x11. Throughout the term, we will be using our mathematical skills to solve word problems.
This term, in Science, we will be looking in depth at rocks, soils and fossils. In particular, we will be investigating the properties of types of rocks and soils. This is one of Miss Swift's favourite Science topics!
Reading books need to be in school every day. Please have your reading record signed each day so that we can make sure that you are reading regularly. You should aim to read between 20 and 30 minutes a night during the week, and at least once over the weekend. Book quizzes may be completed at home or in school. Daily reading is rewarded with 5 dojos. If you are using the app at home, then you need to access our school's designated page:
If you are struggling to access this at home please do let me know.
Reading comprehension, spellings and mathematics homework will be set each Friday. This homework is due in by the following Thursday, when it will be checked. In mathematics and grammar, you will be set an online homework through ‘Century’ – usernames and passwords have been placed in the front of every child's readign record. Each week, if you have completed and remembered to bring in your homework, you will be rewarded with Dojos. However, if you do not complete your homework, you will be required to complete it during homework club.
In addition, it would be a great idea to use NumBots and Times Table Rock Stars to maintain the excellent knoweldge that you gained in Year 2!
For more information about the Y3 curriculum coverage, click on the subject specific tabs at the top of our class page.