Year 1 2024 - 2025
Miss Burke
Y1 Teacher
St Austin’s Primary School Key Stage 1
School Time Table
Year Group – Year 1
Autumn Term 2024
Welcome to Year 1's class page! Please see below for more information about what we will be learning.
This term, our first text will be ‘Meesha Makes Friends’. This book has lovely themes relating to PSHE. We will build up our vocabulary relating to feelings, while exploring what it means to be a good friend. We will be working on building solid foundations in our writing skills. This will include:
- Composing a sentence orally.
- Spelling words using our phonic knowledge.
- Leaving spaces between words.
- Using capital letters and full stops.

In Maths, we use Maths - No Problem! This is a mastery approach where children are taught multiple methods to solve problems. This term, we will be building on our learning in Reception and using a range of mathematical apparatus to explore concepts. Our learning will include:
- Counting forwards and backwards from a given number.
- Forming both numerals and number words to 20.
- Addition and subtraction within 10, and later on, to 20.
- Revisiting our knowledge of number bonds to 5 and 10.
Your child will be given a login for 'Numbots'. This is a fun game where children can win virtual trophies for answering questions correctly. It is recommended that children play for 5 minutes per day and this is a fantastic way to reinforce their learning in Maths. Please see the video below for more information.
In Science, we will be exploring seasonal changes that take place throughout Autumn and Winter. We will be learning about the changes in weather, temperature and daylight hours. In Autumn 2, we will explore animals, including humans. We will learn the names of the different animal groups and explore their similarities and differences. Throughout all of our learning, we will work scientifically through asking questions, making predictions, observing and recording data.
In RE, our themes for Autumn 1 and Autumn 2 are ‘Creation and Covenant’ and ‘Prophecy and Promise’. In Autumn 1 we will explore the story of Creation and in Autumn 2 – the Christmas story. We will explore themes through a range of mediums including art, music and drama.
We will be exploring the history of our school and making comparisons between schools in the past and present. Some of our key vocabulary includes past, present, old, new, before and after.
We will be learning about the local area through the topic, "Where do I live?"
This term, we will be using the story, ‘Only One You’ to inspire our artwork. We will be exploring warm and cool colours, and practising techniques including collaging, blending and layering to create different effects.
Design & Technology
This term, we will be designing, making and evaluating a festive snack!
Using our Charanga scheme, we will be learning about rhythm, melody and notation.
Homework will given out every Friday. Please ensure that homework is returned by the following Thursday, so that it can be checked and any further support can be offered. Your child will also be given a reading book matched to their current reading level. Please read this and sign your child's reading record on a daily basis.