Welcome to Year 5!
Spring Term 2025

Welcome to Year 5! Get ready for a fun year of learning! We will be studying so many different things that I cannot possibly name them all, but here are just a few: the Ancient Mayans, the geography of the United States of America, Earth and Space and so much more!
Please see the files below for our Spring Timetable!
This term, we will be reading Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd-Stanton This is a fantastic story based on Norse myths. We will use this story to inspire us to write our own myths. Following this, we will be reading Malala’s Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai. This is an emotional biographical story which helps the children to understand the struggle for human rights across the world. As we approach the end of the term, we will be writing some Viking kennings and spells!
In maths, we will be learning about fractions and decimals. We will then move on to learning about the basics of percentages. After this, we will move on to geometry when we will learn about angles, regular and irregular shapes. We will finally learn about translation and reflection in our Movement and Position topic.
This term, in Science, we will be learning about Earth and Space. We will then move on to learning about Forces.
Other curriculum areas
History - Learning about our local history, such as the fact that St Helens is named after the chapel of St Elyn.
Geography - The USA - this includes learning the 50 states!
RE - Our Come and See topics for this term are Communuity, The Sacarment of the Eucharist and Lent.
Spanish - This term, we will be learning the vocabulary related to different sports and verbs needed when playing such as "pass" and "bounce". As we approach Easter, we will be learning about Spanish food and drink and the traditions celebrated in Spain during Semana Santa.
Music - Using our Charanga scheme, we will be learning about rhythm, melody and notation through well known songs such as Make You Feel my Love and the theme tune from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Art - This term, we will be working on sculpture. We will be looking at famous examples, including our very own Dream and designing a new scuplture to represent our town today.
Design and Technology - In collaboration with our work on forces in science, we will be designing and making a working pulley system.
PE - Throughout the term, we will be enjoying perfecting our gymnastic skills and learning more about orienteering. We will be taking part in swimming lessons and even relaxing during some yoga lessons.
Computing - This term, we will be learning about binary code in our Mars Rover topic. In our second topic, we will be learning more about coding and animation.
PSHE - This term, we will be learning about how to deal with our emotions. We will also learn about managing risks online.
Reading books need to be in school every day. Please have your reading record signed each day so that we can make sure that you are reading regularly. You should aim to read between 20 and 30 minutes a night during the week, and at least once over the weekend. Book quizzes may be completed at home or in school. If you are using the app at home, then you need to access our school's designated page:
If you are struggling to access this at home please do let me know.
Reading comprehension, spellings and mathematics homework will be set each Friday. This homework is due in by the following Thursday, when it will be checked. In mathematics and grammar, you will be set an online homework through ‘Century’ – please ask me if you have forgotten your usrename and password. Each week, if you have completed and remembered to bring in your homework, you will be rewarded with Dojos. However, if you do not complete your homework, you will be required to complete it during homework club.
In addition, it would be a great idea to use Times Table Rock Stars to maintain the excellent knoweldge that you gained in Year 4!