Home learning
Hello Reception!
Keep looking on this page as I will be adding activities throughout the week.
Remember to write in your diary every day about all the things you have been doing. Start your sentence with a capital letter and finish the sentence with a full stop. Draw a picture too!
Also read the reception 'Tricky Words' that are in your packs. You cannot sound out the words you just have to learn them. Remember to use LOOK SPELL COVER WRITE CHECK.
Week beginning 13.7.20
Our English work for this week will be based around the book “The Hundred Decker Bus” by Mike Smith. You can find the lessons by following the links below:
Monday To identify some features of buses (click here)
Tuesday To hear The Hundred Decker Bus (click here)
Wednesday To commit a story to memory (click here)
Thursday To read a sentence on a postcard (click here)
Friday To write a sentence on a postcard (click here)
Monday – Understanding the concept of a double (click here)
Tuesday – Understanding the concept of a half (click here)
Wednesday – Understanding the concept of a half 2 (click here)
Thursday – Understanding the concept of a half 3 (click here)
Friday – Apply understanding of doubling and halving (click here)
Week beginning 6.7.20
Our English work for this week will be based around the topic space. You can find the lessons by following the links below:
Monday Space (click here)
Tuesday Space: to listen to a story (click here)
Wednesday Space: to commit a story to memory (click here)
Thursday Space: to describe a character’s appearance (click here)
Friday Space: to write a sentence about a character (click here)
Monday – Sorting 2D shapes (click here)
Tuesday – Creating patterns with shapes (click here)
Wednesday – Finding 3D shapes in the environment (click here)
Thursday – Describing 3D shapes (click here)
Friday – Revision and practise (click here)
Week beginning 29.6.20
Our English work for this week will be based around Jack and the Beanstalk. You can find the lesson by following the links below:
Monday Plant a seed (click here)
Tuesday Jack and the Beanstalk -listen to the story (click here)
Wednesday Jack and the Beanstalk: story map (click here)
Thursday Jack and the Beanstalk: story writing part 1 (click here)
Friday Jack and the Beanstalk: story writing part 2 (click here)
Monday – Finding one less than a given number (click here)
Tuesday – Exploring one more and one less (click here)
Wednesday – Investigating number combinations within 20 (click here)
Thursday – Review lesson: a maths meeting (click here)
Friday – patterns and ordinal numbers (click here)
St Helens Music Service are also offering some free resources. Follow these two links to find out more:
Week beginning 22.6.20
Our English work for this week will be based around Hanzel and Gretel. In the story the children follow a trail of breadcrumbs to find a house built of sweets! You can find the lesson by following the links below:
Monday Design a sweet (click here)
Tuesday Hanzel and Gretel -listen to the story (click here)
Wednesday Hanzel and Gretel: story map (click here)
Thursday Story writing part 1 (click here)
Friday Story writing part 2 (click here)
Monday - Counting objects up to 20 (click here)
Tuesday - Ordering numbers up to 20 (click here)
Wednesday - Developing a sense of 10 (click here)
Thursday - Exploring place value (click here)
Friday - Finding one more than a number to 20 (click here)
Week beginning 15.6.2020
RE - home learning activities for the latest RE topic have been uploaded to the files to download below. Alternatively, you can access the activities appropriate to your child's age group by clicking here.
Our English work for this week will be based around Little Red Riding Hood. You can find the lesson by following the links below:
Monday - using maps (click here)
Tuesday - Little Red Riding Hood (click here)
Wednesday - Little Red Riding Hood: story map (click here)
Thursday - Little Red Riding Hood: story writing 1 (click here)
Friday - Little Red Riding Hood: story writing 2 (click here)
Monday - Talking about Your Daily Routine (click here)
Tuesday - Exploring and discussing the days of the week (click here)
Wednesday - Exploring time and the seasons (click here)
Thursday - Measuring short periods of time in simple ways (click here)
Friday - Investigating number combinations within 20 (click here)
Week beginning 8.6.2020
Our English lessons for this week will be based around The Three Little Pigs. Head to the Oak National Academy by following this link: Oak National Academy English Work.
Monday Understanding equal groups (click here)
Tuesday Sharing into equal groups (click here)
Wednesday Counting in pairs (click here)
Thursday Counting in equal groups (click here)
Friday Investigating sharing (click here)
Week Beginning 1.06.2020
Our English lessons for this week will be based around Goldilocks. Head to the Oak National Academy by following this link: Oak National Academy English Work.
In mathematics this week you should continue on from last weeks lessons on the Oak National Academy by following this link: Oak National Academy Maths Work.
Week Beginning 25.05.2020
Our story for this week is 'Tiddler' by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. You can find this story on 'You Tube'.
Activity 1
Listen to the story with your grown up . Did you like it? If so what did you enjoy and why? Where there parts of the story that you did not like? Why did you not like these parts? Discuss the story with your grown up.
Draw pictures of your favourite parts of the story. Write sentences and captions to go with the pictures. Remember to use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and a full stop at the end of the sentence.
Activity 2
Listen to the story up to the end of page 6 where it reads 'And he told his granny, who told it to a crab'.
On a large piece of paper , draw a sketch of Little Johnny Dory with an arrow to a sketch of his granny, then another arrow from granny to a sketch of a crab. Carry on reading Tiddler to the end of page 10, ending with '..who told it to an eel...' Sketch all the characters that heard Tiddler's second story. Count the creatures together. Write the names of the creatures.
Go to the following website to access fabulous daily maths activities for children in reception:-
www.the national.academy
Week beginning 18.05.2020
Here is another week of exciting activities for you to try at home.
Our story for this week is 'Superworm' by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.
You will find the story on 'YOU TUBE' or as a powerpoint on the Twinkl website Twinkl.co.uk/search
Activity 1
Listen to the story with your grown up, then have a chat about your favourite parts of the story. Which characters did you like the best? Can you remember some of the useful things Superworm became during the story?
Draw your favourite parts of the story. Draw your favourite characters.
Write sentences or words to describe your pictures.
Activity 2
Superworm belts and hats: Help your child to draw a Superworm outline on a large piece of paper/card. Supervise your child as they cut out and decorate the worm. Draw on eyes to bring the worm to life, then wrap the Superworm around your child's waist or head to create a belt or hat.
Challenge:- What important jobs have worms to do to help our environment? Make a non-fiction book about worms.
Activity 3
Superworm treasure finding: Whilst wearing their Superworm hat or belt, your child can take on the character of Superworm and dig for treasure hidden in soil/sand or around the house. The treasure could be old jewellery, metal spoons, bottle tops, coins. Make a list of the treasure you have hidden and get your child to tick the item off the list when they have found it. Your child could then draw a treasure map for someone else in the family to find the hidden treasure.
Activity 4
Superworm fishing: Draw some of the creatures in the book. Decorate them by colouring them in or use collage materials. Cut out the creatures. Create a Superworm fishing rod using a long piece of string. Attach one of your favourite creatures to the string. Hang it up to show Superworm's fishing rod rescues. You can keep changing the creature.
Activity 5
Help your child to learn and sing the Superworm chant. Create masks to become their favourite creatures from the story - a toad, beetle, bee, snails, slugs, ant, earwig or Superworm himself. Make up actions to go with the descriptions 'super-long', 'super-strong', 'wiggle' and 'squirm'. Perform to your family in your house.
Week beginning 11.05.2020
Hello everyone! I hope you're all ok and enjoying doing the activities.
Reading and writing
Words for sentences this week are:-
see went mum dad come
Remember learning halves in class; we put one hand behind our back to help us find the half of a number.
Half of 2 is 1
Half of 4 is 2
Half of 6 is 3
Half of 8 is 4
Half of 10 is 5
Keep learning these!
Our story for this week is 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen.
Activity 1
Read the story together with your grown up. You will find this story on 'You Tube' or on the 'Twinkl' website. Draw pictures of your favourite parts of the story. Write a sentence to describe what you have drawn.
Activity 2
Draw a picture of your favourite teddy bear. Write the name of your bear.
Activity 3
If you could search for an animal with your family, which animal would it be? Where would you go? What would you do when you find it?
Activity 4
Find out 3 facts about real life bears. Write the facts down.
Activity 5
Bears have 4 paws. Draw a picture of 3 bears.How many paws do the bears have altogether?
Activity 6
Can you think of some different sounds for the bear hunt?
What sounds would the family make if they went through a thunderstorm, along the beach or through a tunnel?
Week beginning 04.05.2020
Reading and Writing
Write 5 sentences with these tricky words in them:-
go her me no to
Remember to use a capital letter and full stop.
Say the doubles that we learnt in class :-
Double 1 is 2, Double 2 is 4, Double 3 is 6, Double 4 is 8, Double 5 is 10.
Can you write them as a number sentence? Example, 1+1=2.
Challenge :- See if you can say all the doubles up to 20!
Our story of the week is Handa's Surprise by Eileen Browne.
I have planned some lovely activities for this week based on the book 'Handa's Surprise' written by Eileen Browne.
You can find this book read out aloud on You Tube. There is also a powerpoint on Twinkl.co.uk/search
Activity 1 05.05.2020
Read the story together with your grown up. Retell the story in your own words. Describe what is happening on each page. Draw pictures of your favourite parts of the story, characters or animals. Write sentences about your pictures.
Activity 2 06.05.2020
Write a list of fruits and animals that you can see in the story. Draw pictures of them too.
How many fruits can you find? How many animals can you find? Write down the numbers.
Did you find more animals or fruits? How many more are there?
Activity 3 07.05.2020
Write to Handa explaining what happened to the fruit she placed in her basket.
Draw pictures too!
Count fruit into a basket or a bag.How many fruits are there?
Take one away. How many are now left in the bag/basket?
Take 2 away. How many are there now?
Weigh your fruit, then order the fruit from lightest to heaviest.
Activity 4 08.05.2020
Find Africa on a map. How far away is it from the United Kingdom?
How many animals live in Africa? Draw pictures of your favourite African animals.
Make a fruit sald or a fruit smoothie with your grown up.
Do sketch drawings of the fruit you have at home.